Happy now? (Yes)
Jag tror faktiskt jag får acceptera min plats som jordens mittpunkt med bittra och cyniska tendenser. Det känns inte som en plats någon annan är tillräckligt kompetent och Ran-aktig för att fylla. Dock så känner jag att jag omöjligtvis skulle kunna kväka ur mig någonting cynisk just nu, så jag bjuder på en annan lustig grej istället.
En viss Mr. A|3X_hax0r länkade en kul grej till yours truly.
Och såhär slutade det. (McPwn låter tyvärr som någon av manligt kön så det blev lite ghey)
John-Bobb and McPwn
by William Shakespeare
Enter John-Bobb
McPwn appears above at a window
John-Bobb: But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the cheese, and McPwn is the Käse. Arise, sesquipedalian Käse, and totally hax0r the liek awesum banana. See, how she leans her leg upon her hax! O, that I were a glove upon that hax, That I might touch that leg!
McPwn: O John-Bobb, John-Bobb! wherefore art thou John-Bobb? What's in a name? That which we call a foot By any other name would smell as weird Dost thou love me? I know thou wilt say "like suicide and mass murder all at once." And I will take thy word; yet if thou swear'st, Thou mayst prove l33t.
John-Bobb: Lady, by yonder liek awesum banana I swear That tips behind your mom the looming terracotta pie--
McPwn: O, swear not by the banana, the totally hax0r banana, That käsely changes in its sweet orb, Lest that thy love prove likewise sweet. Sweet, perfect night! A thousand times perfect night! Parting is such squishy sorrow, That I shall say perfect night till it be morrow.
Exit above
John-Bobb: Sleep dwell upon thy leg, peace in thy hax! Would I were sleep and peace, so hax0r-y to rest! kinda will I to my sesquipedalian foot's cell, Its help to totally hax0r, and my weird foot to tell.
Jag ska försöka bli normal igen när jag kan.
Rent hypotetiskt sett.
Musik just nu: All-American Rejects - Another Heart Calls
"I'll never ask for anyone but you"
En viss Mr. A|3X_hax0r länkade en kul grej till yours truly.
Och såhär slutade det. (McPwn låter tyvärr som någon av manligt kön så det blev lite ghey)
John-Bobb and McPwn
by William Shakespeare
Enter John-Bobb
McPwn appears above at a window
John-Bobb: But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the cheese, and McPwn is the Käse. Arise, sesquipedalian Käse, and totally hax0r the liek awesum banana. See, how she leans her leg upon her hax! O, that I were a glove upon that hax, That I might touch that leg!
McPwn: O John-Bobb, John-Bobb! wherefore art thou John-Bobb? What's in a name? That which we call a foot By any other name would smell as weird Dost thou love me? I know thou wilt say "like suicide and mass murder all at once." And I will take thy word; yet if thou swear'st, Thou mayst prove l33t.
John-Bobb: Lady, by yonder liek awesum banana I swear That tips behind your mom the looming terracotta pie--
McPwn: O, swear not by the banana, the totally hax0r banana, That käsely changes in its sweet orb, Lest that thy love prove likewise sweet. Sweet, perfect night! A thousand times perfect night! Parting is such squishy sorrow, That I shall say perfect night till it be morrow.
Exit above
John-Bobb: Sleep dwell upon thy leg, peace in thy hax! Would I were sleep and peace, so hax0r-y to rest! kinda will I to my sesquipedalian foot's cell, Its help to totally hax0r, and my weird foot to tell.
Jag ska försöka bli normal igen när jag kan.
Rent hypotetiskt sett.
Musik just nu: All-American Rejects - Another Heart Calls
"I'll never ask for anyone but you"