In case of broken glass...

...break the glass


Bara wow.

Steg 1: Jag skickar ett mail till rektorn och med frågor om projektarbete.

Steg 2: Han svarar "det är ofta inga problem, men kontakta mig så kan jag beskriva det lite mera"

Kontakta? Som i...jag vet inte...kanske skicka ett mail?!?

Bara jag som ser problemet i att bli ombedd att kontakta personen som svar på att man försökt kontakta dem?

Urgh. Att jaga rätt på folk i skolan är näst intill hopplöst...

Postat av: Mattias

Indeed there is, this means that we're going on a "manhunt" this week, with harpuns and rope. We'll catch the principal and make him answer your questions!

2009-05-10 @ 09:50:01
Postat av: Ran

I do not know what "harpuns" are. I only use regular puns.

2009-05-10 @ 21:39:16
Postat av: Origo t3h Hamz0r

You should drink Powerthirst! That way you will be able to use TURBOPUNS!

Anyway, why is this conversation in english? It does not seem to be compatible with all participants, have I right? If you guys could swedish, you could use your native language with proper spelling and punctuation and perhaps be somewhat comprehensible. Oh, that's the problem, isn't it?

My bad.

2009-05-10 @ 22:41:13
Postat av: Äldre Ran

My spider sense is tingling. Someone around here is a moron.

2009-05-11 @ 00:22:03
Postat av: Mattias

I don't like the "hamzta" :/

2009-05-11 @ 14:08:50
Postat av: Äldre Ran

Origo t3h Hamz0r just lost his commenting priviliges on for using Babelfish in attempt to school someone on grammar.

2009-05-11 @ 20:51:55
Postat av: Ran

Bruder, "I have right" och "I can english" är kända Uttke-citat. Mr. Hamz0r is simply mocking him.

Commenting priviliges remain.

2009-05-11 @ 22:00:29
Postat av: Origo t3h Hamz0r

Spider sense or not, he who does not know the ways of Udger is easily mislead. One must just remember that things are not always what they seem, and that sometimes, on, moron is YOU!!

However, I shall let this pass, and use my commenting privileges in the future. In swedish, though...


2009-05-12 @ 19:48:21
Postat av: Mattias

I walk on the Udger path of speaking no more! From I've found a better way a more correct way! The grammar way :O

2009-05-13 @ 10:12:39
Postat av: Mattias

From = for. Don't really know why I wrote that...

2009-05-13 @ 10:13:19
Postat av: Origo t3h Hamz0r

An improvement in your soul, I see. Hmmm.

But to see the true ways of the Grammar, young padawan, your inner comma button you must find. The Dark side, try to trick you into their fjortiz ways they will. Resist, you must, and find that GODDAMN COMMA BUTTON!

2009-05-13 @ 16:58:48
Postat av: Ran

Detta är inget forum. Sluta skriva här ffs!

2009-05-13 @ 20:23:03

Got something to say? Np


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